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Qigong, pronounced (Chee-gong), is the practice of ancient, gentle movements that are designed to move Qi - or life force energy –throughout the body. Like water, energy can be flowing and clear allowing you to experience optimal health physically, emotionally and spiritually or it can stagnate and cause dis-ease in many areas in your life.  


These movements are designed to have specific effects on the body's meridian lines, keeping them balanced, allowing energy to flow optimally to all the body's internal organs. These moving meditations have been used for thousands of years to promote health and prevent disease in all aspects of life while developing sensitivity to and an awareness of being more centered and balanced. 


Qigong healing exercises build and balance the life force energy within you as they focus on concentration, deep breathing, and movement. The practice of Qigong increases your physical energy, releases blocked energy that leads to illness, and enhances your vitality and outlook on life, elevating your energy body to bring forth all that is good and desired in your life.


Qigong Classes begin with warm-up breathing, stretching, and spinal movement exercises that purge stagnant energy. Then soft flowing movement transforms and tones the energy, then meditative movement that helps store the newly cultivated energy within the body.

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